Just Ask: Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design

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Just Ask is free online because I want lots of people to think about including accessibility in design, especially those who wouldn't buy a book about it. It takes me a whole lot of time and some money to write and provide this resource. I welcome financial support for this endeavor. You can contribute through PayPal via the button below:

If you would like to be included in the Supporters list on the About page, contribute $100 US dollars or more and let me know how you want to be listed. In the second PayPal form, in the box at the bottom under "Name, link, contact details:", include your organization or individual name as you want it in the Supporters list, the web page to link to, and your contact information in case I have any questions.

If you would like to contribute through other means, contact me at the email or phone number below.

For More Information

To learn more about supporting Just Ask: Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design, contact:
Shawn Henry
[email protected] with subject: Just Ask Supporter question

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The Supporters program consists solely of acknowledgment of support on the Just Ask About page. The order of listing Supporters is at uiAccess.com's discretion. In order to maintain the integrity of the Just Ask resource, search engine robots are instructed to not index the About page, which is where Supporters are listed.

uiAccess.com reserves the right to reject contributions. Listings and links to websites with content that uiAccess.com deems objectionable will be refused. uiAccess.com reserves the right to cease Supporter acknowledgment—that is, listings and links—at any time. In general, uiAccess.com will only do so when the content published at the linked site becomes objectionable. In a case where uiAccess.com ceases to acknowledge a Supporter, the contribution will not be refunded.

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